Board Of Directors

Impeccable governance practices complemented
by exemplary knowledge and experience.

Mr. Ashok Jaipuria

Mr. Ashok Jaipuria

Chairman & Managing Director

A first generation entrepreneur with over forty years of experience in the corporate world, Mr. Ashok Jaipuria is the Founder Chairman, and Managing Director of Cosmo First Limited. He is an Indepe....

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Ms. Yamini Kumar (Jaipuria)

Ms. Yamini Kumar (Jaipuria)

Director (Corporate Strategy, ESG & CSR)

Ms. Yamini Kumar (Jaipuria) is an accomplished business leader with rich experience of almost two decades as Vice President, Human Resource of GE Europe, Asia and India. She has been the recipien....

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Mr A K Jain

Director of Corporate Affairs

Mrs. Alpana Parida

Independent Director

Mr Pratip Chaudhuri

Independent Director

Mr H N Sinor

Independent Director

Mr Anil Wadhwa

Independent Director

Mr Rakesh Nangia

Independent Director

Mr Arjun Singh

Independent Director

Mr. Yash Pal Syngal

Independent Director


Our leaders are talented and experienced visionaries who believe in unlocking people's
potential to help them succeed and emerge as performers in their field.

Mr. Pankaj Poddar

Mr. Pankaj Poddar

Group CEO

Mr. Pankaj Poddar is the Group Chief Executive Officer of Cosmo First and the Chairman of Cosmo Speciality Chemicals. His career spans over 26 years, wherein he was a turnaround specialist, quick deci....

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Mr. Kulbhushan Malik

Global Business Head - Cosmo Films

Mr. Himanshu Gupta

Business Head - Rigid Packaging

Mr. Raj Sharma

Business Head - Cosmo Speciality Chemicals

Mr. Abhineesh Das

Business Head- Cosmo Sunshield

Mr. Neeraj Jain

Senior VP(CFO)

Ms. Ashima Roona

Vice President - Human Resources

Mr. Sriram Arthanari

General Manager - IT

Board Committees

Risk Management Committee (RMC)

Mr. Ashok Jaipuria, Chairman

Mr. Anil Kumar Jain

Mr. Arjun Singh

Mr. Yash Pal Syngal

Mr. Pankaj Poddar

Mr. Neeraj Jain

Audit Committee

Mr. Rakesh Nangia, Chairman

Ms. Yamini Kumar(Jaipuria)

Mr. Anil Wadhwa

Mr. Pratip Chaudhuri

Mr. Arjun Singh

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Mr. Yash Pal Syngal, Chairman

Mr. Anil Kumar Jain

Mr. Hoshang Noshirwan Sinor

HR, Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Mr. Arjun Singh, Chairman

Mr. Ashok Jaipuria

Mr. Alpana Parida

Mr. Yash Pal Syngal

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee

Mr. Anil Wadhwa , Chairman

Mr. Ashok Jaipuria

Ms. Yamini Kumar(Jaipuria)

Ms. Alpana Parida

Mr. Anil Kumar Jain

Mr. Yash Pal Syngal